mercredi 5 janvier 2011

Lars Ulrich: a musician

Lars Ulrich is the Danish-born drummer of Metallica, a heavy metal band formed in 1981. Even today, Metallica remains the most popular band in heavy metal. Ulrich currently lives in San Francisco. The mass media attributed him the reputation of being a rebel, a sort of rude bad boy. This is the clichéd image he vehicles as a rock star.

...but also a collector

However, apart from making loud music, he also has an interest in collecting paintings, a discipline that requires sharpness, passion and sensitivity. These are qualities that seem at first sight incompatible with being in a rock band.
Lars Ulrich grew up in a family who was very sensitive to art. Though, it really became a passion about twenty five years ago. He collects paintings in his own house in San Francisco.

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